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Timeline Changes

These are snippets of the changes that happened within the timeline, it is not comprehensive. This is just to give an idea of how the world got to where it is. I provide links to articles and books on the real history below each section.

Claudius never conquered Britannia

That is not to say that he did not conquer any of it in the book’s timeline. He managed slightly half. How this happened was due to a few factors regarding King Verica's upbringing being very different.  Rome’s borders end up reaching between the Iceni capital of Venta and the Belgae lands. By then the western Britannic alliance were making placating gestures, and when trouble presented itself elsewhere within the Empire, Rome left the isle alone, leaving the border as is and releasing propaganda declaring that the campaign was a success detailing the placation as capitulating taxes to Rome. Indeed, the tribes continued to send goods and slaves from Caldonia into Roman markets, keeping further invasion away from the minds of Rome’s elites.

Results: No Hadrian’s wall. No rebellion by Queen Boudicca. The ways and beliefs of western and northern tribes remain independent with little Roman influence. Southern Caledonia falls under tyranny and brutal raids from the northern Britannic tribes, namely the Brigantes who become big influencers in the region. The southeastern part of the isle  still receives heavy Roman influence.

our timeline:

Roman Invasion, Roman Britain, A History of Roman Britain, Outpost of the Empire

Rome Fell in the 3rd century

Rome still went on its downward spiral during this time. The Gallic Empire still split away, this included Germania, Gaul, and Hispania-minus Britannia. The Palmyrene Empire also still breaks away. The main concession here is that the Mithran cult became militant, uniting the soldiery under one banner, then took advantage of the turmoil.

Results: Complete upheaval of the empire turning into a theocracy. Concedes most of its lands in favor of stability and reformation of politics and way of life. Regaining their power takes many generations. Eventually, Roman Mithraism becomes completely monotheistic. Mithra establishes a theocratic republic. The Gallic and Palmyrene empires become established. The Gallic Empire comes under the sway of Kymbri and copies their representational monarchal republic, becoming Gallia.

our timeline:

Image and Reality of Roman Imperial Power During the 3rd Century

From Serverus to Constantine

The Fall of the West

Formation of Kymbri

For about 200 years, there were two Britannias. The eastern and western halves stood in uneasy alliance. Both considered themselves above the other and this animosity grew over the years. The western half still worshiped the old gods and followed the rulings of druids while the eastern half wanted nothing more than to emulate Rome as closely as possible. Both were not kind to those on the opposite side. They argued, killed each other over personal squabbles and grumbled as they joined together to fight Caldonians, who had rebuilt enough strength by the time Rome fell and were seeking revenge on the Briganti. Lucanis grew up in the no man’s land that bordered both worlds. While he marched with the Roman Remnant against the Caldonians, his heart was with his father’s people, the Briganti. He gained unparalleled notoriety through his skill in battle. Soon enough it became apparent that he was a man of vision, a vision that included a whole Britannia under one Teyrn. When the leaders of the western half asked, he agreed to lead an army to drive the last of the Romans out. The war was seared into memory as “The war of two wolves.” For the east and west had banners that depicted the animal. Many on the borders joined Lucanis’s banner, finally tipping the war to the west’s favor. They forced the dye-in-the-wool Romans out, or killed them outright. A few years after the war, the eastern and western tribal leaders voted Lucanis as the first high Teyrn, he proceeded to create the representational monarchal republic. After his death, his son was voted Teyrn. When east and west were at each other’s throats at having different names for the isle, the Teyrn settled the dispute by calling the land “Kymbri.” A melding of two proposed names.

Results: Britannia is not weak after the loss of Roman influence. No invasions or raids from Germanic peoples or from the Scoti. The Vikings still raid, but have a smaller influence. Vikings find much more success in trading Caldonian, Alban, and Erie slaves to Kymbri, Gallia, and into the middle-east. A viking invasion fails, resulting in a mutually beneficial treaty. The Danes conquer Norway and Sweden. The Druids consolidate their religion and begin writing down their teachings. Druidism starts to diverge down many societal paths. Kymbri aggressively seeks empire based on trade, making them one of the most wealthy countries over time. Kymbri has developed a more overall ecological and conscientious(industrious-duty bound) viewpoint.

Continuation of ancient slavery

 Just like in ancient times, almost anyone can fall into slavery given the right circumstance. Even though the western world has just entered an industrial age, raids on scarcely defended harbor towns are still very common. In Europe it is mostly a result of punishment. In the Mediterranean and Africa, conquest is the main culprit. Slavery is considered normal pretty much everywhere in the east and west. It abated in some places, grew in others. The word “slave” never came about and most every country has a different word for the institution (gilla, veneti, asel, servus)along with different expectations. Some detest the institution, but few with power seek to abolish it.

Results: No force develops that tries to permanently stamp out slavery. Serfdom is virtually unheard of.

our timeline:

Slavery in the Roman World

A Brief History of SlaveryWorld History of Slavery

Cambridge World History of Slavery Volumes 1,2,3,4

Addicted to Bondage(Dan Carlin episode centered on a disturbing question)

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